Girls’ Volleyball Banquet Marks the End of the Season

Maya Berns, Buisness Manager

On Tuesday, November 30, the Manitou Springs High School (MSHS) Girls’ Volleyball team enjoyed their final volleyball event of the 2018 season. At their banquet, they celebrated victories and losses. Most banquets involve funny moments, sad moments, and memories that the team made as a family. For many, the end of a season is bittersweet and this banquet was no different. Many of the seniors– who have spent all four years of their high school career on the volleyball team– reminisced on moments that led down to their final farewell for high school volleyball.

This season, there were seven senior varsity girls which made for some monumental awards at the 2018 banquet. These girls, led by coach Jane Squires, had many accomplishments that left four of the seniors receiving awards, and two underclassmen with some as well.

Giulia Vidossi (12) won three awards. She won Academic All-State first team, All-State, and lastly All-Conference. Belle Brown (12) made it out with the Academic All-State Award. Next, Abigail Boren (12) received Academic All-State, All-Conference, and she was an All-State selection. Last but not least is McKayla Cully (12). Cully got the All-Conference award. All the seniors had a great season and worked very hard to achieve goals that would lead them to these awards.

While it is a bittersweet time for seniors, underclassmen also have to bid their older mentors a farewell which is just as hard. Many of the underclassmen look up to their older teammates and aspire to fill their shoes once they depart. Teagan Nevada (11) and Maddie Kelly (11) both worked very hard to earn awards alongside the upperclassmen. Kelly received Academic All-State Honorable Mention. Nevada earned Academic All-State.

All team members put in hard work whether they won an award or not. MSHS Volleyball girls radiate a family feeling throughout the entire high school and spectators can all see that. With their great work on and off the court, it allowed for any of the girls to be recognized for their dedication to not only the sport but their academics as well.