The student news site of Manitou Springs High School

The Prospector

The student news site of Manitou Springs High School

The Prospector

The student news site of Manitou Springs High School

The Prospector

Parker Laurie

Parker Laurie, Junior Reporter

Parker Laurie (12), a new student to MSHS, is now the newest co-manager of the boys' soccer team. After recently moving to Manitou Springs, she quickly involved herself with the team after meeting Coach Mack earlier this spring. Her job ranges from taking player statistics to setting up cones. She has really begun to make an impact on the team.

“I chose boys' soccer because I like the sport and it’s easy for me to understand,” Laurie said. “I’m new to the school and thought it was a good way to make more friends.”

After befriending Caroline Maestas (10)– the other manager– Laurie gave her rides to team practices and it was brought up that they need another manager. Laurie was there to quickly step into the role. “It just kinda fell into my lap,” said Laurie.

As a senior, Laurie has a little more confidence and authority than the other two sophomore managers and isn’t afraid to delegate. Her main job is to make Coach Mack’s life easier by helping out any way she can.

“I feel a little like a soccer mom because the boys are always asking for things like help taping up their ankles, food, extra equipment and rides to practice,” Laurie said.

Because it’s her last year of high school, she is also looking forward to enjoying the year. “I am excited for all the basic stuff like homecoming and prom,” Laurie said. “I’m just excited to meet new people and I am looking forward to learning and graduating.”

Two of her favorite classes on her schedule this year are Culinary Arts and Intro to Sports
Medicine, which are fitting for her tasks as snack mom and ankle taper for the team. She
enjoys Culinary Arts because quite a few of her friends are also in the class, including some boys from the team. Being interested in athletic training and learning more about the human body also makes Intro to Sports Medicine a fascinating and useful class for Laurie. “I have both classes during 4th block, so it's a really great way to end the day,” Laurie said.

Parker Laurie’s transition to a new school has gone exceptionally well for her and she is really enjoying Manitou Springs and being part of the team. “They make me laugh and smile a lot. Some of them are just goofy guys and I am very happy I get a chance to be around them.”

All content by Parker Laurie
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Parker Laurie