Nishimoto takes over for Kemp in Science Classes

Lizzy Anderson and Anela Wright

After completing his student teacher program, Mr. Nishimoto moved down the hall from Mr. Mack’s room, into Mr. Kemp’s room. Moto was a student teacher for Mack this past semester.

“He did good, He really helped me understand the material” said Allie Ornelas (10), who had Nishimoto when he was student teacher for Mack.

Terralyn Hale (10) is Mr. Nishimoto’s Teacher’s Assistant this semester, and was his student in the past. “Mr. Nishi was an awesome teacher, having him last year helped me alot. I’m glad he was there to help, otherwise I would have failed,” she said. 

“I’ve taught a lot but never without another teacher in the room,” said Nishimoto. 

First-year teaching is rumored to be the toughest year of a teacher’s career. “If I said anything but good I’d be in trouble,” said Mr.Nishimoto, when describing how his first year will go. “I’ll probably cry a lot and each a bunch of chocolate”

The classes he will be teaching are Physics 3rd block, Earth Science 2nd block , and Earth Science honors 4th block.

“First year teaching creating all my curriculum from ground zero is almost impossible, so I’ve taken material from every science teacher here, but I am bringing some new material.”  His hope is to do a lab once a week.

Kemp’s class featured a documentary once a week. Nishimoto perfers the more hands-on approach to teaching. “I’d rather be doing something hands on then watching it being done,” he said. He plans on watching some documentaries, but not as many as Kemp.

He graduated from UCCS last semester with his B.A. in Biology and his teacher certificate  and was immediately chosen to take over Mr. Kemp’s job.

“I think it’ll go really good, I think it’ll be more hands-on then Kemp, and different than any other Earth Science class I’ve taken before,” said Nishimoto.