Anna Conrad named the MSHS 2023-2024 principal

Lifetouch National School Studios Inc.

Anna Conrad will become the official principal at Manitou Springs High School for the upcoming 2023-2024 school year. This will be her third year at MSHS.

Morgan Flannery, Senior Reporter

On Friday, Feb. 17, it was announced that Anna Conrad, the current interim principal of MSHS, will become the official principal for the upcoming 2023-2024 school year. All three candidates for this position were involved in a meet and greet on Feb. 9 with students, staff and parents before the final say was announced. 

In the announcement email, interim superintendent Eric McMartin said, “I couldn’t be more excited about the opportunities she will bring to the high school community as one of the most talented instructional leaders I’ve had the pleasure of working with.”

Kate Johnson (11) was alongside a handful of other students who were a part of the principal hiring committee. Johnson, along with Ben Perkins (10), led all the candidates through different interview rooms to get to know their personalities outside of the typical interview questions. “I helped tour around the candidates, and I think that she was the best. She seems to just understand the family aspect of Manitou perfectly,” Johnson said.

Conrad has been a part of the MSHS community for almost two years.  She began as assistant principal last school year. 

“I like how she’s not only involved as a principal, but you’ll see her at like basketball games and volleyball games and the football games,” Johnson said. “She’s always just a face you see in the hallway, and she just seems to really support kids.”

Conrad attended a high school in northern Colorado of similar size and feel to MSHS. “I love that small town feel,” Conrad said. “I feel incredibly rooted in this community and really, really deeply inspired by it.”

Occasionally, Manitou actually plays Conrad’s former high school, Middle Park High School in sports. “I hope that the small aspect of Manitou stays the same. You know, I think that a lot of good comes from having smaller class sizes,” Johnson said.

Before coming to Manitou, Conrad taught all different kinds of English classes. Conrad’s favorite class to teach was IB English, part of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program that is offered at certain high schools for college credit and readiness. Additionally, she has coached varsity volleyball. “I coach a club team now, and it’s so fun no matter how hard the day is at school, explaining how to serve is the same all the time,” Conrad said.

This past week, a local artist came to the metalsmithing class offered at MSHS and shared her knowledge of creating rings. Conrad also got to sit in on this unique opportunity for Manitou art students. “The look on people’s faces was so exhilarating. And so, I love to learn and to be surrounded by people that are learners,” Conrad said. 

Conrad stepped into a large role when she started at MSHS last year and has contributed so much to Manitou. Conrad said, “I am so excited to continue to work with students, with staff, with families and with community members. I just can’t even imagine what we’re all capable of together.”