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The student news site of Manitou Springs High School

The Prospector

The student news site of Manitou Springs High School

The Prospector

The student news site of Manitou Springs High School

The Prospector

Anela Wright (12) knows that it can be hard for freshmen when they don't get a varsity position right away, but encourages them not to give up. After practicing and trying out for the cheerleading team again, she was immediately put into varsity.

High School Athletes Discuss Involvement at Manitou

Aubrey Hall, Student Life Editor August 20, 2017

Athletics have been a keystone of the American high school experience for decades, and every year it becomes a more competitive endeavor for students to undertake. Additionally, for athletes who meet...

Henschel talks about her experience as a StuCo member

Manitou Seniors Receive Local Scholarship

Anela Wright, Reporter May 24, 2016

Earlier this month, the Manitou Springs Educational Foundation announced their scholarship winner and their vocational scholarship winner. Mahalia Henshel (12) won the MSEF business alliance scholarship...

Sound Nook Session: Olivia Briggs-Hale Shows Singing Talent

Kaitlyn Cashdollar and Anela Wright May 20, 2016

This week, the Prospector had the pleasure of recording Olivia Briggs-Hale (12), a singer and student here at Manitou. She sang three songs, "When We Were Young" by Adele, "Hide and Seek" by Imogen Heap...

The seniors line up to be told things Leve thinks are great about them (Meghann Root)

Band Performs Last Concert of Year

Anela Wright, reporter May 12, 2016

  On May 10, the Manitou Springs high school band performed at their last concert of the 2015-2016 school year. It was an emotional night full of goodbyes to the seniors and awards given to...

Jane Goodall bonding with a Chimpanzee in Africa

Editorial: Animals Used as Entertainment are Continuously Abused

Anela Wright, Reporter May 10, 2016

In the past couple of months, rumors have surfaced that Ringling Brothers Circus will stop using elephants as part of their act. But as of March 5 2016, it was confirmed true. The elephants are to...

"The Breakfast Club" Celebrates 30th anniversary

“The Breakfast Club” Celebrates 30th anniversary

Anela Wright, Reporter April 11, 2016

This past spring break, students were on beaches and with friends. But those of us who are Breakfast Club fans were celebrating the 30th anniversary of when this classic movie took place. The Breakfast...

Editorial: Honor Roll Analysis Reveals Average Statistics, but Causes Aren't Obvious

Editorial: Honor Roll Analysis Reveals Average Statistics, but Causes Aren’t Obvious

Anela Wright, Reporter March 14, 2016

A couple weeks ago, the honor roll and honorable mention students for last quarter were announced. Looking at that very long list of students, we wonder if MSHS students are average academically. When...

Murdock, 8-Season Cheerleader, Retires from Manitou Cheer

Anela Wright, Reporter March 3, 2016

Ryan Murdock (12) has been a cheerleader for twelve years, and has been on the Manitou Springs High School cheer team since her freshman year. At a recent basketball game, Murdock was recognized...

"Think Tank" Club Up and Running

“Think Tank” Club Up and Running

Anela Wright, Reporter February 23, 2016

Issac Patterson (10), William Pranchak (9), Benjamin White (10), John Ives (10), Eric Ayers (10), Spencer Briggs-Hale (10), Alex Speicker (10), Tyler Jungbauer (10), Piccioni, Ryan Strickland, Nick Vidovich,...

Meet February's "Mustangs of the Month"

Meet February’s “Mustangs of the Month”

Anela Wright, Reporter February 9, 2016

Your mustangs of the month for February are Lydia Lockwood (11), Issac Patterson (10) and Abbi Beebe (9). Lockwood was recognized for helping Zoe Schurnman (10) when she dislocated her knee (for...

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Anela Wright