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The Prospector

The student news site of Manitou Springs High School

The Prospector

The student news site of Manitou Springs High School

The Prospector

Caileen Sienknecht (10) pursues the ball, going up against a Jefferson Academy player. Sienknecht has been playing varsity soccer since her freshman year at Manitou, and has proven herself to be a powerful asset on the field.

Girls’ Soccer Faces Long Battle Against Jefferson

Kaitlyn Davidson, Senior Reporter March 23, 2018

With many of the returning graduates cheering the stands, the Manitou Springs High School Girls’ Soccer Team played Jefferson Academy, ranked 2nd this year. The competition between the 2nd and 5th...

Girls Soccer Ahead in Their League

Girls Soccer Ahead in Their League

Spencer Briggs-Hale, Reporter May 5, 2017

Girls Soccer Tri-Peaks Leagues has been mentioned in the school announcements recently, and for good reason. In the soccer world, Leagues is a big deal. Schools from all across Region 2, or the Tri-peaks...

The team huddles up during a game against Pagosa High School. The Mustangs won  6-0.

Girls Soccer Dominates the Field in 2017 Season

Kaitlyn Cashdollar, Senior Reporter April 6, 2017

This year started off strong with a 4-0-1 scoring for the Manitou Springs High School Girls Soccer Team. Only Jefferson Academy, the top-ranking team in the state, has scored against Manitou so far....

Hayley Hamblin (12) conducts "The Pasture" by Z. Randall Stroope while Brianna Russell-Weddington (11) accompanies on her clarinet.

End of the Year Choir Concert

Meghann Root and Sage Stevens May 19, 2016

On Friday, the Manitou Springs Mustang Chorale put on their annual end of the year concert. Some of the repertoire included latin gospel pieces, madrigals and pieces based off of Robert Frost poems,...

Brooklyn Mack (10) attempts to score during the second half of the game. Mack has been playing soccer since she was in elementary school, and broke a school-held record on Friday.

Girls’ Soccer Ends Season with Shut-Out Against Trinidad

Aubrey Hall, Photography Editor May 7, 2016

Fresh off of a tight loss against Fountain Valley on May 5 that had followed an eight-game winning streak, the girls’ soccer team walked onto Trinidad’s field on Friday with hopes of ending their...

Travis Struble (12) has also been on varsity since his freshman year playing the position of both offensive center-mid and forward.

Season Wrap-Ups: Elkington Leads Soccer Team through Tumultuous Season

Meghann Root, Sports and Activities Editor November 9, 2015

Senior captain Josh Elkington is one of the star athletes of the boys’ soccer team. He is one of the few seniors on the team, much less one who has started all four years of high school. Elkington...

Ehrin Aycock (11) listens intently to Krona Emmanuel (11), who presents on Pakistan.

Language Night Pulls Large Crowd

Sita Ahlen, Senior Reporter November 5, 2015

Language Night, on Wednesday November 4th, drew a large crowd. The parking lot, filled to the brim, exiled parents and students to park on the hill in front of the school. By seven o’clock most of...

Choir students during the encore of "Down by the Riverside".

Winter Choir Concert is a Success (Listen here)

Sita Ahlen, Reporter December 13, 2014

On the evening of Friday, December 12, the choir performed their annual winter concert in the old gym. Both the middle school and high school choirs sang songs representing different time periods and...

Students and teachers generously donate blood that could potentially save lives.

Plasma for Penrose: Blood Drive

Sita Ahlen and Meghann Root November 7, 2014

National Honor Society hosted a blood drive on Monday, November 3rd for Penrose Saint Francis Hospital. Students 16 years and older were eligible to donate 1 pint if blood used either for testing...

Rachael Bradshaw (12) has loved to sing since she could talk. Her mother sparked her interest when she sung to Bradshaw as a child. Bradshaw started singing in choir in sixth grade, and says, "I think singing is a great way to express emotions that we might otherwise suppress." 

So far she has been a star honor choir student and has participated in three honor choirs. She has performed in Western Slope three times, Adams State three times, and All State once. Out of the three, she said thatAll State was her favorite one to participate in. 

When she begins college, Bradshaw hopes to start an a capella group, but she's not interested in carrying it out professionally.

A Family of Singers: Manitou Choir Auditions for All State

Sita Ahlen, Reporter October 16, 2014

Editor's Note: Today, October 16, 2014, the choir students mentioned in this article will leave Manitou at 3:30 PM to audition for All State Honor Choir at Doherty High School.  Today, October...

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