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The Prospector

The student news site of Manitou Springs High School

The Prospector

The student news site of Manitou Springs High School

The Prospector

Aiden Coté holds up a sign encouraging Manitou students to stay strong in the midst of the hardships caused by COVID-19

Everything You Need to Know About 2020-21 StuCo Elections

Ben Schwartz, Photo Editor April 14, 2020

Despite everything occurring with Coronavirus, Manitou Springs High School’s (MSHS) second semester continues despite temporary school closure. Student Body (SB) Elections are still on, and it’s...

Mr. Noland walks hand in hand with his youngest son, Ben, after speaking during the assembly.

Nickels for Noland Brings Community Together in Support of Former Teacher

Sophia McKeown, Warhorse Editor-In-Chief February 25, 2020

Back in late October of 2019, Nick Noland, a former Manitou Springs Middle School (MSMS) teacher, embarked on a journey that would bring forth tremendous obstacles, while at the same time drawing the...

These MSHS StuCo members and CHSAA student state representatives worked hard to lead family groups and workshops and make FallCo run smoothly.

The 14,000-Foot FallCo View

Mackenna Yount, Prospector Editor-in-Chief October 23, 2019

490 students, 100 advisors, 69 schools, one conference to bring Student Council groups from across the state together. The Fall Conference (FallCo), hosted by the Manitou Springs High School (MSHS)...

GSTA and SOS leader Dr. Moen and her daughter parade down Manitou Ave during Homecoming, dressed up in support of the GSTA club.

Manitou Springs High School Invites the Community to Join Their “Culture of Kindness”

Sophia McKeown, Yearbook Editor-In-Chief October 6, 2019

My name is Sophie McKeown, I am a junior at Manitou Springs High School (MSHS), as well as a Student Council representative and a Student Journalist. It has been brought to the attention of the students...

End of Year Brings Student Council Elections

End of Year Brings Student Council Elections

Sage Stevens, Student Council Correspondent April 12, 2017

Student Council elections are quickly approaching as the year draws to a close. For the first time in over a decade, the position of Student Body President is unopposed. Amanda Nagel (12) is the only...

What You Need to Know about the Winter Dance

What You Need to Know about the Winter Dance

Kaylin Cole, Student Council Correspondent February 15, 2017

Manitou Springs High School's Winter Dance is here once again and we are in the midst of spirit week! The theme of the dance this year is, "A Journey Through the Seasons." For spirit week, there are...

Annual Craft Fair Attracts a Crowd

Annual Craft Fair Attracts a Crowd

Mo Heiniger, Reporter November 30, 2016

With planning starting as early as August, this year's craft fair culminated on Nov. 19. Chairperson of the event Andrea Edwards (12) said, "There were more people involved than I thought that there would...

The new executive board of Stuco for the 2016-2017 year: Lily Reavis (11), Monique Heiniger (11) and Amelia McKenzie (11). Not Pictured: Andrea Edwards (11).

Student Body Executive Board Members Announced

Sita Ahlen, Sports and Activities Editor April 26, 2016

On April 22, Manitou Springs High Schools' new student body executive board was announced. After weeks of tireless campaigning, including hanging posters adorned with puns and passing out t-shirts and...

MSHS students volunteer to help  elementary school students at the Ute Pass Elementary School Craft Day in December 2015. This is only one of many volunteering opportunities student council participates in. Throughout the year, they also put on a volunteering day during homecoming week, sponsor a family for Christmas, participate in food drives and more.

Manitou Springs High School Receives National Student Council Award

Andrea Edwards, Student Council Correspondent April 13, 2016

Manitou Springs High School Student Council has been awarded a 2016 National Gold Council of Excellence Award by the National Association of Student Councils (NASC). Right now, you're probably wondering...

Lily Reavis (11) and Ariel Palaia (12) discuss this spring's events for Drive Smart. The committee last met on March 16, 2016 during advisory.

Student Council: That’s What We’re Talking About

Mo Heiniger, Student Council Correspondent March 16, 2016

Each year at about this time here at Manitou, we find ourselves in a calm spring. The crazy season of dances, Drive Smart campaigns and spirit days has ended; students and teachers are in the swing of...

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