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The Prospector

The student news site of Manitou Springs High School

The Prospector

The student news site of Manitou Springs High School

The Prospector

Mr. Bonner, one of the wrestling coaches, discusses tactics and performance with Ceasar Sanchez (10).

Preview: Wrestlers Enter Season with High Standards and Higher Expectations

Mo Heiniger, Reporter December 6, 2016
After a change in leadership and a size shift in this year's team, the Manitou Springs Wrestling Program has high expectations that they demand to meet. Each team member is working in their own way to better themselves and improve the team as the season continues.
Cole Sienknecht (10) is the only underclassman on Manitou's varsity boys basketball team, and his average free throw percentage this season is 63%, a number that has stayed nearly the same since last year.

Winter Sports Profile: Cole Sienknecht Excels on Varsity Team

Sarah Bogush, Reporter March 11, 2016

Cole Sienknecht (10) joined the basketball team during his freshman year of high school. He managed to impress the coaches with his skill and expertise, and was chosen to join the varsity team. He...

Maddy Frahm (11) and Shelby Megyeri (11) are both key players on this year's varsity basketball team, and have both been playing basketball since elementary school.

Winter Sports Profile: Maddie Frahm and Shelby Megyeri End Vigorous Season

Sita Ahlen, Sports and Activities Editor February 25, 2016

Although the girls' varsity basketball team is only nine players strong, the varsity team has improved vastly. They remain undefeated as the end of the season approaches. Situated behind Mesa Ridge...

Sisters Sydney (9) and Emily (11) Dolloff-Holt will be traveling to the Veterans Memorial Aquatic Center in Thornton this weekend for the CHSAA State Swim Championships.

Winter Sports Profile: Dolloff-Holt Sisters Prep for State Competition

Kaitlyn Davidson, Reporter February 11, 2016

The sister star duo, Sydney (9) and Emily (11) Dolloff-Holt , has been in the attention of media since they started swimming competitively at the young ages of 5 and 6, and have been going to state...

Jacob Rider (12) and Julian Sanchez (11) hope to qualify for state as the wrestling team travels to Lamar this weekend.

Wrestling Hoping to Send Three Athletes to State Competition

Lizzy Anderson, Senior Reporter February 11, 2016

Regionals, the meet that decides who will be advancing to state, is coming up, and the wrestlers are feeling the pressure. Jonathan Nagel (12), Jacob Rider (12), and Julian Sanchez (11) are probable...

Steve Jensen (11)  likes to scare his opponents with his growl. Jensen started playing basketball in 7th grade, and hopes to get some double-doubles this season, but also to help his teammates to succeed. "I want to teach them to be good sports."

Winter Sports Preview: Boys Basketball Seeks To Exceed Expectations

Ted Weiss, Reporter December 13, 2014

Steven Jensen (11) has certain ways to dominate the paint for his Manitou Springs Boys Basketball team: "Be mean, be very aggressive, I usually pinch them or poke them with my elbows," but the best...

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Winter sports profile