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The student news site of Manitou Springs High School

The Prospector

The student news site of Manitou Springs High School

The Prospector

The student news site of Manitou Springs High School

The Prospector

Sydney Dolloff-Holt (12) becomes emotional while Bella Kuzbek (10) reminisces on some of the team's best memories during Senior Night.

Girls’ Swim & Dive Hosts Last Home Meet for Seniors

Aliah Char and Alyssa Rash, Copy/Photo Editor and Junior Reporter January 28, 2019

As the swim team’s season is coming to its end, the traditional Senior Night has also come and gone. This night is to represent all of the beloved seniors that are on the team and what they’ve...

Newly inducted members pose by the fireplace for their historical photo. Trina Borst (12), in charge of the Historical Committee, started the traditional scrapbook for recording the history of the club.

NHS Inducts Diverse Leaders in MSHS Community

Clover Bernard, Senior Reporter January 17, 2019

On January 14th, students and parents gathered at the Briarhurst Manor to watch Manitou Springs High School's Annual National Honors Society (NHS) Induction Ceremony. Students who were inducted into...

Colton Talbot (9) reads practice questions as Liam Davidson (11) and Tyler Doherty (12) listen.

Manitou Takes Fifth at First Knowledge Bowl Competition of the Season

Mackenna Yount, Copy Editor October 11, 2018

The first Knowledge Bowl competition of the 2018-19 school year was held at Woodland Park High School on Saturday, September 29. MSHS took three teams and all did well in the competition. Team captains...

Homecoming Away From Home

Homecoming Away From Home

Allie Robbins and Oda Tiller-Brattebø October 2, 2018

Manitou Springs High School (MSHS) is hosting 10 exchange students from around the world for the 2018-19 school year. There are students from Spain, Norway, Germany, Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia and...

Freshman Friday: Tyler Doherty talks Theatre, Swim

Sita Ahlen and Mia Elliott March 4, 2016

In the second episode of Freshman Friday, the MSHS Prospector interviews Tyler Doherty. An avid swimmer, participant in the Arts, and devoted student, Doherty is able to balance his multiple lively occupations....

Tyler Doherty (9) and Rhiannon Roszman (12) dance with one another. The two play love interests set up by Hayley Hamblin (12) and Caleb Hall's (11) characters.

“Love is Beginning”: Dance Students Perform in Annual Winter Recital

Aubrey Hall, Photography Editor January 10, 2016

On the eve of Thursday, January seventh, all signs were pointing to a three-day weekend for MSHS students and teachers. Though many had their fingers crossed, one group of students who may not have...

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