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The student news site of Manitou Springs High School

The Prospector

The student news site of Manitou Springs High School

The Prospector

The student news site of Manitou Springs High School

The Prospector

Colton Talbot (9) reads practice questions as Liam Davidson (11) and Tyler Doherty (12) listen.

Manitou Takes Fifth at First Knowledge Bowl Competition of the Season

Mackenna Yount, Copy Editor October 11, 2018

The first Knowledge Bowl competition of the 2018-19 school year was held at Woodland Park High School on Saturday, September 29. MSHS took three teams and all did well in the competition. Team captains...

Sophomore Creates Literary Magazine for MSHS Students

Sophomore Creates Literary Magazine for MSHS Students

David Misyura, Reporter December 12, 2016

Kaitlyn Cashdollar (10) recently created the Manitou Muse, a literary magazine that aims to showcase Manitou students' artistic works, showcasing her future aspirations as a book editor. Cashdollar...

Roy Chaney, the head coach, gives the girls their warmup after telling the girls their lineup for the next day's meet.

Preview: Swim Season to Face Transition Year?

David Misyura, Reporter December 6, 2016

Thursday marked the swimming season's first meet, and one can only wonder how the team will perform this year. The Mustangs Swim and Dive team has historically succeeded, and is likely to continue...

Valerija Barkanova (12) poses for a photo in Latvia. The vegetation shown, in an urban area, is testimony to the ecological focus of Latvia.

Latvia: Culture, Tradition, and Environmental Awareness

David Misyura, Reporter November 16, 2016 This year sees the continuation of MSHS's tradition of sharing cultures from around the world on one very special night: World Language...

The Easy German group take a picture at a location they traveled to. The group is known for traveling and producing YouTube videos as they go.

“Easy German” Teaches Language with Real-World Approach

David Misyura, Reporter November 3, 2016

Manitou Springs High School has quite the diverse and fleshed-out foreign language program, and its German department recently got the exciting opportunity to meet with the Easy German group. Easy German...

Way to go! Quinn Hersey (10) keeps his pace ahead of a few Salida and TCA runners behind him. Manitou mostly secured positions in the middle of rankings for all races.

Annual Regional Cross Country Meet Brings Powerhouse Teams

David Misyura, Reporter October 25, 2016 Reaching the critical point of regionals on the 20th of October, Manitou's cross country team made great strides in effort and spirit. This was a crucial meet...

What an opportunity! Steven Blocher met President George W. Bush in the Oval Office during his tour after returning from detainment.

Feature: Steven Blocher’s “The Hainan Island Incident”

David Misyura, Reporter October 18, 2016

Imagine a fine day of surveillance from the air, when all of a sudden, a Chinese jet collides, forcing an emergency landing on Chinese territory, where the officials there then detain and hold interrogations...

Is it out yet? Archive's "False Foundation" album will be released on the 7th of October. Three songs were released as teaser pre-release, including the song of the same name as the album, "The False Foundation," which took a unique twist on the usual Archive sound.

Review: “The False Foundation” by Archive

David Misyura, Reporter October 6, 2016

"Archive" is a music collective based in London, Britain, with all of its individual talents contributing to create the unique music that the collective is known for. The group has had great success throughout...

Caleb Edwards: Parkour Extraordinare

David Misyura, Reporter September 27, 2016

Many of us have hobbies that we are passionate about. Sometimes those hobbies aren't well known by those around us, but for Caleb Edwards (10), it's all about movement, and sharing that movement. Edwards...

The senior class shows their school pride by throwing green and gold streamers. The goal was for the senior class to show the most spirit.

Homecoming 2016: Events and Details

David Misyura, Reporter September 22, 2016

Homecoming is almost upon us, and everyone is mentally preparing for all the festivities to come. Even if some of us won't be participating in the events or dress-up days, it's always good to know what's...

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David Misyura