Cow Evolution, The Hottest New App
The start of the game that is taking over Manitou High.
October 17, 2014
Every year the student body at Manitou gets hooked on a new game. Clash of Clans, Flappy Bird, Kim Kardashian Hollywood, and now- Cow Evolution.
This trend started at a G.S.T.A meeting right before homecoming. One student plays, another witnesses the game, now the whole school is becoming addicted. Each day students strive to create the ultimate cow. Every period a child jumps out of their seat from the joy of discovering a new, magnificent cow.
In some ways the student body is hindered by this app,but in others assisted. Manitoids sometimes find this game to be a bad distraction from their studies. But others use it to bribe themselves to get the work done.
Cow evolution is a game where the player receives a baby cow periodically. The player combines the cows that they receive to create a more gruesome, outrageous, and disturbing breed of cow; until the player has created a God Cow. The twist to this game is that these cows poop- a lot. The poop is how the player receives virtual money which is used to buy more cows.
For Manitou’s procrastinators-watch out. This could be udder cow-tastrophe for your grades.
Tapps Games • Dec 16, 2014 at 10:47 am
Hello! We’re the developers of Cow Evolution. What a surprise to find an article about it in a school website. We’re not sure whether we should feel flattered or guilty, but, well… Thank you all for playing! We’ve got some surprises coming out soon.