MSHS Girls Golf, coached by Ken Vecchio, officially starts March 4. It’s a very anticipated season with the prospect of bettering the team’s golfing skills.
The main goal of the girls golf season is to learn and advance in their skills and try to get as many girls qualified for State as possible. In the last few seasons, the team qualified one or two girls for the State Tournament and aim to get even more girls qualified this year.
While being a small team, it’s important for the girls to be there and support everyone in their journey through the sport. “Having other girls around you that are supportive can make a world of a difference,” Addie Dorsey, a freshman on the team, said.
Being on the team helps the girls to connect with each other. “It takes a long time but you get to know people better,” Madison Sharon (11), a returning golfer, said. “You learn to talk to them and you learn about them.”
The girls are happy to support each other in and out of season. “It’s going to be cool to see where all of them go,” Dorsey said. “I am really excited to be on this team to see everyone develop.”
Bonding on the team comes from the long bus rides to their competitions and the fact that the girls are willing to help each other if they notice that one of them is doing something wrong. “In the nicest way possible we help each other by giving little pointers when needed,” Sharon said.
Throughout the season, the girls enjoy the fact that they can always improve and that that improvement comes entirely from the work that they are willing to put in. Golf also has an influence on how the girls act as people: it teaches them to be more positive and try their hardest.
Golf is an individual sport where you compete against other girls, but also against yourself. “My favorite thing about golf is that it is really about competing against myself,” Dorsey said.“Sure you are going against others, but it’s nice to see how far I can push myself.”
One of the benefits of golf is that it’s something that you can continue to do as you get older, there isn’t a window that closes if you don’t go to college for it or become a professional golfer. Vehicco said. “I enjoy the girls learning about a sport they can play for a long time,” head coach, Ken Vecchio said. “Golf is a lifetime sport.”