Gideon Aigner’s Mustang Positivity
Gideon Aigner (far right) in a selfie with the crowd at the St. Mary’s boys’ basketball game in January.
April 1, 2020
I miss you, Manitou. I know that the phrase “Don’t peak in high school” is a chliché; I don’t think that this year has been a peak, but it sure has soared until now. Now, we all have a new challenge to face. Our good friend, ‘Rona. This virus has swept the legs out from under everyone in terms of “What just happened?” Nobody was expecting this, I certainly wasn’t.
The exchange students are getting sent home, one-by-one. I’ll miss Mariam complaining about American food, Pablo calling me a ‘Freshman’ in the hall, Daisy asking the questions I was scared to ask in Algebra. The Seniors’ farewell tour is getting interrupted in the worst way possible. But we will not crumble due to this pandemic. The Mustangs will stand strong.
Mustangs were recognized by the US Congress as “Living symbols of the historic and pioneer spirit of the West. They are surefooted and have good endurance.” Mustangs, through struggle and hardship, have become one of the toughest animals in America. We are much the same. We have gone through good times and bad, thick and thin, ice and fire. And in these times, we have come together.
Until this year, I did not realize this. I did not know our mascot until the eighth grade; I wasn’t a Mustang. Going to high school with all of you amazing people has changed that. There was one moment at the Nickels for Noland Dance where we all just came together. “Take Me Home, Country Roads” by John Denver started on the speakers and everyone made a circle, swayed and sung. I’d loved Manitou before that, but that’s when I realized that I would never want to go anywhere else, not for anything. Not DCC, Air Academy, Rampart, Cheyenne Mountain, Woodland Park, TCA and certainly not St. Mary’s. There is no school that is more amazing than Manitou in this state and the Mustangs make it that way.
The teams may not always be the best, my grades are never perfect and the views… Ok, well the views are always great, but nobody goes to a school because of the views. I love it here because of the people. And I haven’t been able to see those people in a minute. I miss you all, but we will endure. Mustangs have good endurance, and as a school will endure this. It doesn’t mean that I won’t miss Herr Batson’s advisory, Dr. Moen’s snark or Old Brown’s rants. I will miss all the high-fives, the “Howdy!” in the morning and the sound of sneakers squeaking in the old gym during lunch. We will reunite eventually. But until that happens, we must remain strong and stick together, 6-feet apart. Stay safe Mustangs.