Supporting the Preforming Arts
Olive Van Eimeren (10) and Koda Oxford (11) preforming in the fall play, “Badger”. Oxford hopes to see more support for plays like “Badger” that him and his castmates work so hard to put on.
February 21, 2020
To the Editor:
I am a junior at Manitou Springs High School and this is my first year attending after my transfer. My overall experience with this school has been positive, the school staff has done an excellent job of creating a welcoming environment. From my time here, I’ve noticed our school heavily revolves around Mustang pride and sports events. I myself do enjoy a good football game every now and then, but I personally prefer the creative arts. I have enjoyed being a part of theater productions since I was in middle school, and being a part of Manitou’s fall production was a nice refresher into the world of acting. Something I’ve noticed is that not many people really know about our performing arts department. Many of the seats at band or choir concerts are left empty. I leave myself to wonder how so many people attend sporting events, but do not support the creative arts? Is it that most people who attend after school activities prefer to watch sports rather than a play? I don’t believe so. I asked many students if they attended the fall play and most didn’t know there even was a performance that night. Countless hours of rehearsal are spent on these performances in hopes to impress the audience. I hope for our next production, the staff will better promote the show dates as they do for sporting events.