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The student news site of Manitou Springs High School

The Prospector

The student news site of Manitou Springs High School

The Prospector

The student news site of Manitou Springs High School

The Prospector

The State Team (from left): Connor O'Brien (9), DJ Char (12), Liam Davidson (11), Jason Sellers (9), Nathan Hudson (11), Gunnar Marquardt (12), Molly Arndt (12) and Mackenna Yount (11).

Knowledge Bowl Team Goes to State Competition

Mackenna Yount, Copy Editor April 3, 2019

On March 18th and 19th, eight students on the Manitou Springs High School Knowledge Bowl Team made their way up to Colorado State University in Fort Collins for the 2019 Colorado State Knowledge Bowl...

Other members from the Knowledge Bowl team went along to support the Matchwits team, even though they didn't compete.

Knowledge Bowl Films for Matchwits

Mackenna Yount, Copy Editor November 16, 2018

On Friday, November 2, 2018, the Knowledge Bowl team traveled to Pueblo to film for an episode of Matchwits on Rocky Mountain PBS. Matchwits is a high school quiz show in which teams from high schools...

Colton Talbot (9) reads practice questions as Liam Davidson (11) and Tyler Doherty (12) listen.

Manitou Takes Fifth at First Knowledge Bowl Competition of the Season

Mackenna Yount, Copy Editor October 11, 2018

The first Knowledge Bowl competition of the 2018-19 school year was held at Woodland Park High School on Saturday, September 29. MSHS took three teams and all did well in the competition. Team captains...

Homecoming Away From Home

Homecoming Away From Home

Allie Robbins and Oda Tiller-Brattebø October 2, 2018

Manitou Springs High School (MSHS) is hosting 10 exchange students from around the world for the 2018-19 school year. There are students from Spain, Norway, Germany, Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia and...

Andrew Slama, one of the new science teachers at Manitou, and his dog Rose go for a hike. Slama was drawn to Manitou partially because of the weather and the mountains. He once competed in an ultra-marathon, which is 50 miles long.

2017-2018 School Year Brings Anticipated Changes

Kaitlyn Cashdollar, Editor-in-Chief August 20, 2017

The 2017-2018 school year has been much anticipated due to the many changes at Manitou Springs High School. In previous years, MSHS has used the block schedule, where students take four classes one semester,...

Alena Akse (11) and Braeden Lewis (11) start off the woodwind section of the jazz band with "New Orleans Jumbo-Gumbo."

Band Ends the Year with Award Concert

Hanny Chairunnisa, Reporter May 12, 2017

The Manitou Springs High School Band successfully held the end of the year concert on May 10th. This concert was special because it was the last time the seniors would perform in a MSHS Band concert....

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Gunnar Marquardt