Lance Warner , Junior Reporter
Lance Warner (9) took interest in entertainment at a young age. His childhood consisted of consuming such media as “Family Guy”, “The Halo Series”, and various films.
Warner’s enjoyment for “Family Guy” comes from the off the wall topics and lack of fear of controversy. He enjoys the way the show’s writers have the courage to poke every bear in sight, not straying away from quality comedy to appeal to a wider audience.
Warner has also invested quite a bit of time into “The Halo Series”. The value he finds in this series comes from the fluid gameplay, futuristic design, great campaigns and character development. The multiplayer is also extremely fast-paced and captivating.
The film that has captivated Warner the most is Donnie Darko. The film goes into topics such as time travel, mental illness, and events from eerie to tragic.
Warner’s taste in music ranges from everything to hard metal to punk rock. Some
of his favorite artists include Soundgarden, Alice in Chains, and Nirvana. Warner owns every Nirvana project ever distributed and one of his favorites is “In Utero”.