Announcements – February 10, 2016

Sage Stevens, Senior Reporter

Activity Announcements:
Key Club’s Save or Shave Fundraiser – Want to see your favorite teacher without a beard? With hot pink hair? To cast your vote, drop money in save, shave, or dye jars in the following teachers’ rooms: Mr.Bonner, Mr. Mack, Mrs. Roberson , Mr. Brown, Mr. Hilt, Mr. Jones, and Mr. McCune’s. All proceeds go towards Key Club’s ELIMINATE project.

Knowledge Bowl practice at lunch in Mrs. Gardner’s room.

Any student who has taken Calculus and is interested in taking the AP Calculus exam in May should attend a quick meeting at lunch in Mr. Talbott’s room – today!

Today’s Activity/Athletic Announcements:
3:30pm – 4:30pm Track Pre-Season (track)

Mrs. Wendy would love to give a huge shout out to our amazing basketball pep band! We truly appreciate you showing up to ALL the games and bringing such excitement to the atmosphere! You guys rock!!!

Counseling Announcements:
SENIORS: Now is the time to be checking the counselor’s page on our district website for scholarship information. Don’t miss out on great opportunities!