Announcements – February 8, 2016
Quinn Hersey makes crepes in his French II class
February 9, 2016
Activity Announcements:
Attention tracksters! We will have a mandatory meeting TODAY after school in Mr. Jones’s room. If you have any questions See Mr. Jones in room 16.
The informational meeting for spring musical auditions is today after school in the SILC theatre lab. If you plan on auditioning for the musical, this meeting can help! Come to ask questions about picking songs, monologues, as well as getting sheet music copies. Auditions will be held February 22nd and 23rd.
Congratulations to Bennett Cross for winning “honorable mention: best actor”, Morgan Baker for winning “best supporting actor”, and the entire one-act cast for winning overall first place at the one-act competition!
Today’s Activity/Athletic Announcements:
CONGRATULATIONS to our Manitou swim girls. Great meet with the best performance in Manitou swimming history. Two new relay meet records broken with an All-American cut in the 200 Medley relay and Sam White broke the schools 100 breaststroke record!