Announcements- August 28, 2017
Matt Vanderwerff (11) plays wide receiver and linebacker on the varsity football team. Both him and Halcomb agree that having strong relationships with coaches is an advantage with any school sport.
August 30, 2017
ALL students MUST enter the building through the commons doors in the morning and at lunch! This is for safety reasons!
Morning Music: When you hear the music playing over the loud speaker in the morning that is your cue that you only have 30 seconds left to get to class.
Parking rules – All students must park away from the building in a designated parking space until after 7:30 a.m. every morning. Teacher parking is next to the building until that time. Students who misuse this privilege will find themselves in the front office.
If you forgot to turn in your picture form on registration day, please bring it to Ms. Wendy in the front office.
Activity Announcements:
Students must keep their lockers locked at all times. Failure to do so will result in consequences.
Freshmen: Manitou Springs High School is a closed campus for ALL freshmen during lunch. You will be notified of changes to this policy by administration.
Any Freshman who did not get their free class shirt at orientation, please see Mrs. Stoneback for your shirt today.
Mustang Thespian Society! If you want to be involved in theatre projects this year, come to the informational meeting about Mustang Thespian Society this Wednesday directly after school We will talk about the new format of the club, upcoming auditions for the fall play and how you can get involved. We’ll meet in the Theatre Lab from 3:30 – 4:30.
Fro-yo social: there will be FREE frozen yogurt and games out on the track this friday sept 1st before the Saint Mary’s Football game. We will also have a spirit bus taking students to the Saint Mary’s field. Students will need $4 to get into the game. Sign up at Mrs Glasss office! JOIN US FOR FROzen yogurt and TO SUPPORT OUR BOYS
Today’s Activity/Athletic Announcements:
9:40am – 10:10am Frosh Adv Lesson 1: Email & Google Cal