Jack Boyd
At this annual Larry's, MPAC President Kai Jacobson (11) and Vice President Meghan Taylor (11) took liberty in naming and presenting every award given.
On Monday, May 8th, the annual Larry’s awards ceremony was held for the MSSD Theatre Department. The event elapsed a total of 2 and a half hours, in which eventgoers were frolicing in revelry abounds.
“It’s a celebration of theatre,” Kai Jacobson (11), MPAC President said. “We do it to appreciate the people who make it happen.”
The Larry’s were introduced as a sort of gag response several years ago due to MSSD14’s lack of representation of the performing arts. The event makes a big deal about not having traditional awards to hand out, such as best actor. They instead make a point of handing out frivolous awards that highlight their connections as a family and build their bonds further, while highlighting the more humorous happenings of the year.
“I have always valued the collaboration that it takes to put a production together.” Wendy Harms said. “No one person does it by themselves. As I started to work with the high school students at the time, there was jostling and talk about who was the “Best” – Best actress, best actor, etc. I didn’t want to foster that kind of division, so we instead awarded things that were more fun and tied in with the season.”
“The students have always created the awards themselves, so we have had ‘glass slippers’, playing cards, and my favorite was the year that they painted Barbie dolls gold and gave those out as awards.” Harms said.
The main events of the Larry’s revolve around the classic baked potato dinner, followed by a brief award ceremony and a ceremonious coloring of the theatre walls, memorializing the initials and handprints of senior actors.
“They’re good,” Kai Jacobson said. “I love the Larry’s.”
The Larry’s are a longstanding tradition in the Manitou family that will continue for many more years, and will build new traditions along the way. Actors, musicians, and artists alike are encouraged to attend the Larry’s to join in the festivities of theatre and other performing arts should want to.
Wendy Harms has directed the Larry’s since it’s humble beginnings. “It is a fun end of year celebration of all things theatre. It is a time to recognize the work that we as a group have done, and brings closure to the school year.” Harms said.